The Heaven Massage

A Conscious, Deep and Sweet Massage Experience

Experience a full-body massage ceremony, designed to be both therapeutic and spiritually rejuvenating, utilizing ancient Lomi Lomi techniques to release tension and promote a sense of inner harmony.

Step into a sanctuary of serenity and tranquility, where you will be enveloped in a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere that will enhance your massage experience.

I will respectfully connect with your body and use intuitive techniques to gain its trust, encouraging it to release tension and open to the therapeutic touch.

Through a mindful and intentional touch, I will unlock blocked emotions by reaching layers of your soul, promoting overall physical and emotional well-being.

The massage will reduce stress and tension, and you will leave feeling rejuvenated and at peace.

The massage session will last 2 hours, with approximately 1.5 hours of active massage, a warm welcome, and time for after-relaxation before returning to the world. We will use coconut oil, please let me know if you have any allergies to it.

Some answers

You may have some questions, let me address some of them here, for the rest don't hesitate to contact me directly.

How much is the price?

As an still in training therapist, I am offering these massages at no cost or for a greatly reduced rate compared to what a massage of similar caliber would typically cost. Go to the Book a massage section for more details.

How long it takes?

It is an approximately 1,5 hours of active massage. With an additional 30 minutes for a welcoming introduction and post-massage relaxation.

You will feel blissfully relaxed after your massage. To fully savor the afterglow experience, be sure to set aside some time for yourself. Keep in mind that the massage oils used may not be kind to hair or makeup, so it may be best not to return to work immediately afterwards. If you clear your agenda for the rest of the day, you'll be able to prolong the post-lomi lomi heaven sensations.

Which type of massage is this?

Lomi Lomi massage is part of an ancient Hawaiian healing ritual that is intended to prepare your mind and your soul for an upcoming transformative journey The Lomi Lomi massage is helping this process through the opening of your body.

In more simple terms, Lomi Lomi massage is a full-body massage that is focused on providing deep relaxation and releasing tension. It involves long, fluid, and rhythmic strokes and an intuitive approach to working with the body. The pace and pressure of the massage can vary depending on how your body responds, it can be slow and relaxing or faster and more invigorating.

What should I bring?

To ensure maximum relaxation during your massage, it is best to come with an empty stomach. If you have a comfortable sarong or lungi you would like to wear, feel free to bring it. If not, no problem, I will provide one for you.

What will I wear during the massage?

You will be undressed, however your genitals will be covered at all times by the lungi to ensure you feel safe and protected.

Is this a sexual massage?

No. It is a sensual massage but not sexual. Your genitals won't be part of the touch and they will be covered by the lungi at all times.